Silver Investing Books

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tremendous Silver Gains to over 29 US$ per oz...

Hi everyone, here some information that I would like to share....


The last month has seen tremendous silver gains to over 29 USD per oz followed by a fall back to 25 USD and is now hovering around 27.50 USD. During this time a number of important events have occurred that support the case for silver.

Among these:
  1. The FED Announced $600 Billion more in QE. Quantitative easing (QE) amounts to massive USD currency creation which is used to purchase US governmental bonds. This amounts to a continued and deliberate value transfer from holders of USD to borrowers. it is not a surprise that this announcement caused silver to soar as more investors and USD holders seek a solid alternative to the USD. Condemnation by US trading partners and USD debt holders such as Germany and China has also become more vocal.

  2. JP Morgan and HSBC are facing a class action lawsuit under the Commodity Exchange Act and the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)Act for manipulating silver futures. JP Morgan in particular is holding very large leveraged naked short positions in silver which, as claimed by the suit, were used to manipulate the silver price. In other words they sold very large amounts of paper silver (there was no physical silver involved as the paper silver amounts are many times larger than exchange physical reserves) in such a way to cause sudden silver price drops and force small investors to sell their paper silver due to margin and stop order limits.

    We had a poll What best describes our thoughts on the Andrew Maquire, CFTC and Price Manipulation and articles on this subject back in July 2010 when silver was trading around 18 USD.

    This investigation is relevant because of the scale of money involved and because it has the potential to cause a "short squeeze" as the increasing silver price and the publicity caused by the lawsuit might force JP Morgan to close their short position (by buying silver futures and reducing their silver debt to limit their losses).

  3. On a separate note: we were told by industry sources that large silver short position in Asia have been closed causing some of the rapid price gains

Act FAST..........

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dollar to Become World's 'WEAKEST CURRENCY', JP Morgan Predicts

Everyone , check this out...

How do you find the video? If you worried about your savings....
Hurry ACT FAST... and save your savings in SILVER BULLIONS.....

Have A GREAT day.....


Thursday, November 11, 2010

WHY GOLD & SILVER? 'Investment Advisors' - Mike Maloney

Hello Everyone,

I came upon this video, which is very ineteresting, useful and IMPORTANT.

Check it OUT!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why diversify your investment with silver?

This is a bit of info that hopefully will be useful for all of us.

For the average investor, silver can be an effective means of diversifying investment assets and preserving wealth against the ravages of inflation. Silver, like gold, has served as a form of money and a store of wealth for 5,000 years.
The price of silver is determined both by its role as a financial asset as well as industrial demand trends.
Although the value of silver may vary, it has an intrinsic value that is immutable and permanent.
Accordingly, many experts suggest that investors should include it among their investment assets.
Why? Because silver can be an important store of value. For example,
between 1971 and 1981, the U.S. dollar lost more than half of its value, while silver prices rose nearly five times.But what about the future? No one knows for certain; but many financial planners still suggest including silver among the investments of their clients.
Silver typically lags gold, then plays catch-up, resulting in highly leveraged investment opportunities.

How to Invest in Silver?Many investors prefer silver mining equities to direct ownership of silver buillion, in part because they seek the greater potential returns equity investments offer them. In addition to investing in silver mining companies, investors buy silver bullion in the form of official coins minted by US, Canadian and other governments.

So act FAST, I have a few minted silver coins available CANADIAN MAPLE LEAF(Royal Canadian Mint), SILVER EAGLES (US Mint).

Sms or call me @ 91880650 or email me @ to book the best price as silver price is increasing daily.... ACT NOW!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Facts & History of Silver

Silver Bullion Coins Hi guys, today I would like to chare about the history and facts of SILVER....

Often considered the "poor man’s gold" silver has been climbing the investment and demand charts since its discovery thousands of years ago in Anatolia, now modern day Turkey. Silver’s unique properties make it ideal for thousands of applications found in every day life.

Silver is:
  • The best conductor of electricity of all metals
  • The best conductor of heat of all metals
  • The most reflective of metals
  • A powerful anti-bacterial & anti-viral agent
  • Malleable and ductile
  • Valued for its beauty
Silver is found today in mines around the world; the top producing mining countries are Peru, Mexico and China.

  • CA 2500 BC Silver was 1st introduced in Egypt and was considered more valuable than gold.

  • 475 BC
  • China was the first country to monetize silver.

  • 775 AD
  • "British Pounds Sterling": in approximately 775 AD the Saxon kingdoms issued silver coins known as "sterlings", 240 of them being minted out of one pound of silver. Large payments were reckoned in "pounds of sterling" later shortened to "pounds sterling."

  • 1072
  • After the Norman Conquest, the pound was divided for simplicity of accounting into 20 shillings and 240 pence or pennies.

  • 1497
  • Spanish "Pieces of Eight" were coins first struck in 1497 containing a high silver purity and weight. They were the basis of the monetary system of the Spanish Empire and were widely circulated around the world. They were accepted as legal tender in the US until 1857.

  • 1600’s - 1900’s
  • The Mexican Peso evolved into one of the world’s strongest and most widely accepted currencies due to its silver content.

  • 1800s
  • By the mid 1800s, China through trade and mercantilism, was in possession of 50% of the world’s above ground silver. The British sold opium to China in exchange for tea, silk and silver – a factor in the Opium Wars between Great Britain and China during the mid -1800s.

  • 1930s
  • Silver was used as China’s official currency until the 1930s.


  • As the best conductor of electricity, silver has a multiple of uses in switches, contacts and fuses in electrical appliances, automobiles and electronics such as computers, TV’s, DVD + CD players and cell phones.
  • Chemical reactions use silver as a catalyst; approximately 700 tons of silver are consumed annually in the production of plastics.
  • Mitsui of Japan is developing a catalytic converter for diesel engines using silver as opposed to platinum or palladium.
  • Billions of silver oxide-zinc batteries are produced annually for use in watches, cameras and small electronic devices.
  • Invisible silver is a thin coating of silver on double thermal windows. This coating not only rejects the heat from the sun, but also reflects internal heat inward.
  • As the most reflective of metals, silver is used in specialized optical devices, automobile windshields and for both commercial and household mirrors.
  • Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, wrote that silver had beneficial, anti-disease properties.
  • Wealthy, ancient Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians stored their wine, water and oil in silver jugs to maintain their freshness and prevent spoiling.
  • Silver compounds show a toxic effect on some bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi. Health and medical applications of silver are wide ranging and its uses include dressings and ointments for burns and wounds, anti-bacterial pharmaceuticals, coatings on hospital implements and surfaces, to name a few.
  • Silver is being used to treat wastewater and to treat streams containing radioactive and biological contaminants.
  • Silver is increasingly being used for water purification and as an anti-bacterial agent in swimming pools.
  • Clothing is being manufactured with silver impregnated fabric to kill bacteria and fungi in order to reduce disease and odour. Military uniforms, sporting wear and everyday clothing are now produced that contain this special fabric.
  • Recent research shows that silver also promotes the production of new cells, increasing the rate of healing wounds and bone.
Ok guys hope this info have been useful for all of you.... Have a great day...